Hi, I'm Jill...

and I'm a coffee drinking, bug fearing, weightlifting, extroverted introvert. My favorite season is fall, my favorite food is pasta, and I have a sweet tooth that rivals that of the Cookie Monster. My bucket list items include running the NYC marathon, visiting every baseball stadium in the MLB, and making wine and olive oil in Tuscany.

My photography journey is a bit of a whirlwind. It started as a fun side gig, and blossomed into a full on career change. A lot happened in between. I quit my job, moved to Montana (I know, I had to google where that is too), spent 2 years there falling in love with photography, the mountains, and the western spirit, and then moved back to New York to officially start my photography career. Looking back, I would not trade a single second of that journey for anything.

Too often in life, we don't pursue the things we are passionate about. I am thankful for every day that I get to pick up a camera and make a living doing what I love.

So, that's my story. What's yours? Reach out and tell me about it. To tell your story in the most authentic, genuine, and meaningful way would be my honor. Your story is important, and I would love the opportunity to document and share it with the world.

Photo by Justin Gambill